Missy eLLe Rants

where the world don't matter


Gift of Ramadhan

Posted by Missy eLLe |

Ramadhan has left me with many chores, hence the temporary hiatus. In short, I've been thinking, analysing, reaching out and finally settled. It's good to be home again.

I'd wished I could describe more what has happened within these past few weeks but words don't come easy these days. Maybe someday, I'll find my way back being the more articulate person I was. For the meantime, this is all there is:

In the name of Allah most gracious and merciful,

Dear Allah,

Thank you. You have lent me Your Light, Love, Strength, Peace, Forgiveness and Compassion in my journey through life. Hold me close, as I need You. And with Your permission, I hope someday to meet You in the Heavens.



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