Missy eLLe Rants

where the world don't matter


Confession - People Hide..

Posted by Missy eLLe |

because they feel vulnerable. Behind wealth, behind egotism, behind lies and many others unlisted here.

I used to hid behind intellect, logical thinking and religious arguments. Walking on a padestal, happy for being called the smart one.

Truth is behind all these, we all hide, we do. We all wear masks, we do. 

Behind this mask was someone so gullible who would believe almost whatever others say. Someone with an emotional whirlwind that spirals when things go against her way. Being intellectually corrected was an insult to me. The pain of such was unbearable to hear nor see. Being smart was everything and everything to me.

I hid. I did. For a long time. I hid behind ambition and materialism to make do with my inadequacies. I hid behind ambition, professionalism and status I thought would make me feel happy.

But I was wrong. I became too proud for my own good when life was good. Slowly, I was hated for the wrong reasons too. I hid to be happy, ended up being depressed mostly. Something was clearly wrong somewhere, clearly.

Then the day came I realised, intellectualism is not everything, nor does materialism or status - things man would seek endlessly, greedily. It was when I fell severely ill I started thinking. It was faith, that saved me, I was finally living. These were not my saviours - money, intellect or any of those. During those moments they all seemed like foes.

So I've learnt. Not to hide but take life in a stride. Take sparingly what we call pride. Then I no longer hide. 

I face the music whenever I had to. To feel pain, laughter my whole life through. To be alive, burden and mask free. To be just, plain ol' me. 

Do you hide now people? Do you? 

ps: money buys no love, no pride and no self worth. Just a mask for those who seek happiness in having lots of money, to find an endless chase for it like there is no end. so, it is true, money hardly buys happiness, only acting like a temporary relief drug for a lifetime of pain and unhappiness.


Syafrizal said...

Lebih baik duit itu dihabiskan kepada amal jariah dari digunakan sebagai alat untuk bermegah - megah. Apa yg jadi skrg ini, ramai anak muda mempromosikan perniagaan (ntah halal atau haram, penasihat syariah pun takde) mereka dengan menayangkan betapa banyaknya duit yg mereka perolehi. Gila ke apa? Riak sungguh. Bukan nak menaikkan semangat untuk org berjaya tapi nak menunjuk - nunjuk. Dalam Islam nak berniaga kene ada 2 sahaja: produk atau perkhidmatan. Kalau setakat tunjuk2 duit tak payah la.. buang masa. Syaf tak heran la org2 camtu. Lagi tak berkat ada la.

Missy eLLe said...

u right. harta sebenar kita pon alquran and sunnah. ituje menjadi saksi akhirat nanti. harta2 keduniaan tu kene soal ttg perbelanjaan kita nanti adalah.. more like a test then a rahmah. but alquran and sunnah is a rahmah, tapi kene sabarla nak melakukannya. :)

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