Missy eLLe Rants

where the world don't matter


Pick Up Lines

Posted by Missy eLLe |

Being a woman is never easy for me, especially when talking about the aspects of safety. I work at a very highprofile area known as KLCC. There are loads of Toms, Dicks and Harry's around, people from all walks of life and race. It feels like you are not in Malaysia at times. 

Sometimes, during lunch time I would walk by myself to do window shopping. You know, doing the me time thingy. The thing that scares me most is when an unknown adult male (regardless of race or size) approach me from nowhere or worse, following me for some weird reason.

Once close enough, they would say the cheesiest lines like: "Hey, you are one gorgeous woman. Can I get to know you?"

Some look like Malaysians, others, well, just foreign (slang included). 

As not to provoke the stranger further (because I know I don't have defensive marsyal arts skills) I would normally say: "Thank you." Smile. Walk away. 

If they still insist of meeting up, I would decline saying: "Sorry, I don't entertain strangers." Smile. Walk away.

And if, they still stalk me I would quickly find a very crowded area to loose myself in it. Hopefully, he won't follow me anymore. So far, all of them gave up. Alhamdulillah.

Yesterday, while at work I was having some small talks with this older guy in office. He's a friendly bloke and so far have not caused me any trouble. Also, he seemed almost harmless - a bit on the alim side, balding, old guy, grey hair, relax kind, retired looking. A very daddy like figure if you'd ask me. Then, suddenly, he decided to confront me with something:

"Aritu saya dapat petunjuk, masa mula-mula awal puasa aritu. You lebih sesuai kahwin ngan orang jauh lebih berumur dari you. Yang sama umor mesti tak kenanya."

"Huh? Macam mana pulak?"

He went on trying to convince me how men of my age won't be able to handle me because of the way I am, bla bla bla. Honestly, I felt bombarded and was getting quite uncomfortable. So I said:

"Bagi I lah, kalau stakat umor tua, ade je I kluar ngan diorang, umor 30 lebih tapi tak matang pun. Ada jugak orang umor sama ngan I tapi ada kematangan dan pendirian sendiri. Bagi I, berumur tak semestinya matang. Kalau ikutkan, memang lelaki lebih tua sepatutnya matang, tapi ada jugak tak sampai tahap tu. Jalan hidup dan takdir masing-masing lah kan."

Stunned by my answer, he started to look defensive with folded arms by now. Trying to diffuse the situation I probed further.

"En Zul (bukan nama sebenar) dapat petunjuk tang mana?"

"Adalah (silence for a while). Tapi bagi En Zul, yang muda-muda ni akan bosan ngan you sebab u ada character sendiri. Yang lebih tua ni lah jenis tak kesah. Mende-mende ni takkan mengganggu fikiran diorang."

By now, I was smelling something fishy already. Yes, I've been told many times about my overall "strong aura". Maybe it can be intimidating to some guys. But seriously, is this guy trying to pick me up? Looking at his body language macam nak promote diri sendiri je? For one, he is old(er) and seemed quite insisting about his so-called hidayah (revelation).

Oh well. Men. Not all are bad but some are just pure rotten and bertambah gatal as the age increase. Apalah!

Ironically, a friend of mine said something about hidayah this morning. I am a believer that people do get hidayah, but he said something crucial on judging it - how do you know if it's satan's doing or purely ilham from Allah? For all we know, the older guy was probably driven by nafsu hence, claiming his niat (intention) as so-called revelation. 

Anyway, this is not the worst pick up line yet. Personally, I think nothing beats this:

"Nice legs."

Normally women would answer: Thank you.

"What time do they open?"

Confirm kena pelempang at minimum

ps: I never got that line, but I think a friend did. 


Syafrizal said...

Hahah macam2 perangai manusia skrg ni... so linie kena hati2 la... jgn terpedaya sgt hehe

Missy eLLe said...

hehe, yup. that's life.

tekong said...

martial bukan marsyal. haha typo police :p

Missy eLLe said...

oh yeke? hahaha thanks nazri.. no wonder ada rasa skit pelik.. but tak terpk masa tu. hehehe.

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